950 research outputs found

    Fanconi Syndrome after Ifosfamide Exposure

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    ntroduction: Ifosfamide is an antineoplastic drug frequently used in the treatment of pediatric malignancies. However it is responsible for nephrotoxicity in up to 30% of patients, which can be manifested from asymptomatic tubulopathy to overt renal failure. We report a case of a patient who developed Fancony syndrome after exposure to ifosfamide. Clinical Case: A two-year-old caucasian boy was diagnosed with stage IV Burkitt lymphoma with hepatic and renal involvement without central nervous system (CNS) invasion. Baseline evaluation showed GFR of 60 mL/min per 1.73 m2 (Shwartz formula, k=0.143). He underwent five cycles of chemotherapy involving cyclophosphamide, vincristine, prednisolone, doxorubicin, methotrexate and cytarabine. The patient was in remission but three months later relapsed with evidence of involvement of the liver and kidneys on CT. Another course of chemotherapy was initiated with ifosfamide, carboplatin, etoposide, rituximab (R-ICE) and intratecal administration of methotrexate and aracitabine. After five cycles of R-ICE, the patient had a bone marrow transplant. According to protocol, busulfan, cyclophosphamide, tacrolimus, methotrexate, fluconazole and acyclovir were administered. No immediate complications were registered. Four months after transplant, the patient showed significant downward growth percentile crossing and urinalysis suggested tubulopathy. Upon nephrologist referral, laboratory investigations showed GFR 60 mL/min per 1.73 m2, metabolic acidosis, hypouricemia, hypokalemia, hypophosphatemia, glycosuria, proteinuria, high FEUa and FEK, and low GFR of phosphorus. Fancony syndrome was diagnosed and adequate supplementation was initiated. After literature review the most probable causing agent was ifosfamide. After adequate treatment patient’s general condition improved with slow percentile recovery. Conclusions: Nephrotoxicity secondary to chemotherapy is a major cause of morbidity in pediatric cancer survivors. Our case represents a rare situation with unspecific clinical signs. Clinicians must be alert to the necessity of close monitoring to identify renal toxicity as early as possible and allow adequate supplementation, which is crucial in preventing side effects.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Spinal Muscular Atrophy

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    Introdução: A Atrofia Muscular Espinhal (AME) é o nome dado a uma doença neuromuscular específica caracterizada pela degeneração dos neurónios motores medulares, condicionando atrofia e fraqueza muscular progressivas. É determinada pela alteração do gene Survival Motor Neuron-1 (SMN1), localizado no braço longo do cromossoma cinco. Uma cópia quase idêntica do gene SMN1, chamada SMN2, modula a gravidade da doença. A AME repercute-se a nível de vários órgãos e sistemas, envolvendo frequentemente os sistemas respiratório, osteoarticular e gastrintestinal. Estão descritos vários subtipos da doença, com base quer na idade do início dos sintomas quer na máxima aquisição motora alcançada. Objectivos: Estudar a população de doentes com o diagnóstico de AME (clínico e/ou genético) seguida na Consulta de Medicina Física e de Reabilitação (CMFR) do Hospital de Dona Estefânia (HDE) em Lisboa, no período de Janeiro de 2007 a Outubro de 2009. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo com análise de parâmetros sócio-demográficos, clínica, exames complementares de diagnóstico, evolução e complicações da doença. Resultados e Discussão: A casuística é constituída por doze doentes, com idades compreendidas entre os 0 meses e os 21 anos de idade, tendo sete o diagnóstico de AME I, um AME II equatro o diagnóstico de AME tipo III. Verificou-se que a gravidade da doença era inversamente proporcional à idade no início dos sintomas e à função motora máxima atingida pelo indivíduo durante o seu desenvolvimento. Todos os doentes apresentaram infecções respiratórias recorrentes e nos óbitos ocorridos, verificou-se como causa de morte a insuficiência respiratória, complicada de paragem cardio-respiratória. As principais complicações ortopédicas foram o desenvolvimento de contracturas articulares das grandes articulações dos membros inferiores, bem como o desenvolvimento de escoliose. A disfagia foi a principal complicação gastrenterológica. Conclusão: A não aquisição de etapas do desenvolvimento motor está correlacionada com um agravamento do prognóstico funcional e vital

    Immunological Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome and Thrombotic Microangiopathy: Severe Complications in a Child With Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

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    Some patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection deteriorate shortly after starting highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), the so-called immunological reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS).1 Although having a spontaneous resolution in many instances, it can be fatal.1 Worse prognosis is seen in younger children, severe immunosuppression and central nervous system IRIS, or infections with specific agents, namely, Criptococcus.2 Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) has also been described in children with HIV infection, in the context of an immunological system dysregulation.3 Thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) became rare with the introduction of HAART, being mostly associated with advanced disease.4 HIV-associated TMA has specific clinical aspects as well as a worse prognosis than idiopathic or congenital TMA.4-9 The authors present the case of a 10-month-old boy with advanced HIV infection who developed IRIS complicated with HLH and TMA during the course of his treatment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Guillain-Barré syndrome: advances and future perspectives

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    The first case of Guillain-Barré syndrome was described in 1916. Since then, knowledge about the pathophysiology and immunogenesis of this acquired inflammatory polyradiculoneuropathy has been growing steadily, especially after the advent of nerve conduction studies and the discovery of pathogenic autoantibodies. In the present study, we conducted a review of the main information available in the literature to date about the syndrome, including its diagnosis and management

    Influenza B-Associated Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome

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    Introduction: Influenza A infections have been described to cause secondary hemolytic uremic syndrome and to trigger atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) in individuals with an underlying genetic complement dysregulation. To date, Influenza B has only been reported to trigger aHUS in 2 patients. In 61% of aHUS cases, mutations are found in H, B and I factors, membrane cofactor protein (MCP), C3 and thrombomodulin. MCP (CD46) mutations account for 10-15% of cases. Clinical Case: A 13-year-old boy was transferred to a terciary pediatric centre with acute renal lesion in the context of HUS. Evidence was found for Influenza B infection and results for other etiologic agents were negative. He was treated with Oseltamivir for 5 days. Etiologic study revealed decreased C ́3 (0,81 g/L), normal C ́4 (0,27 g/L) and all antibodies were negative: anti-Beta2 GP1 IgG / IgM, anti-cardiolipine IgG / IgM, anti-neutrophil-citoplasm-PR3 and MPO. Alternate complement pathway study (AH 50) were 112 % of normal value (reference value >70%) and ADAMTS 13 activity were 0.79 (values above 0.67 may be found in aSHU as well as other microangiopathic trombopathies). Molecular study of complement including 11 genes (CFH, CD46 (MCP), CFI, C3, THBD, CFB,CFHR5, CFHR1 CFHR3, CFHR4, DGKE) found a pathogenic heterozygotic missense variant on CD46 (MCP) gene, c.554A>G, p.Asp185Gly, associated with aHUS. Conclusions: aHUS patients should be screened for all known disease-associated genes. Screening should not be stopped after finding a mutation to avoid missing other genetic susceptibility factors influencing disease phenotype, particularly in patients with MCP or CFI mutations, because they have a higher probability of also carrying mutation in another gene than patients with CFHor C3 mutations. Influenza B is a trigger for aHUS and might be underreported as such. Influenza vaccination may protect patients at risk.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Training health providers to address unhealthy alcohol use in primary care: a cross-sectional, multicenter study.

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    Background: Health professionals’ training is a key element to address unhealthy alcohol use in Primary Care (PC). Education about alcohol use can be effective in improving PC provider’s knowledge and skills addressing alcoholrelated problems. The aim of the study was to evaluate the training of health professionals to address unhealthy alcohol use in PC. Methods: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, multicenter study was performed. Location: PC centres of the Spanish National Health System (SNHS). Participants: Family physicians, residents and nurses completed an online questionnaire that inquired about their training (none, basic, medium or advanced), knowledge and preventive practices aimed at reducing unhealthy alcohol use. The study population was recruited via random sampling, stratified by the regions of the SNHS’s PC centre, and by email invitation to members of two Spanish scientific societies of Family Medicine. Results: A total of 1760 professionals participated in the study. Sixty-seven percent (95% CI: 67.5–71.8) reported not having received specific training to address unhealthy alcohol use, 30% (95% CI: 27.4–31.7) reported having received basic training, and 3% (95% CI: 2.3–4.0) medium/advanced training. The training received was greater in younger providers (p < 0.001) who participated in the PAPPS (Preventive Activities and Health Promotion Programme) (p < 0.001). Higher percentages of providers with intermediate or advanced training reported performing screening for unhealthy alcohol use (p < 0.001), clinical assessment of alcohol consumption (p < 0.001), counselling of patients to reduce their alcohol intake (p < 0.001) or to abstain, in the cases of pregnant women and drivers (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Our study reveals a low level of training among Spanish PC providers to address unhealthy alcohol use. A higher percentage of screening, clinical assessment and counselling interventions aimed at reducing unhealthy alcohol use was reported by health professionals with an intermediate or advanced level of training.post-print565 K

    Prevalence of hazardous alcohol use among Spanish primary care providers

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    Background: Alcohol use by health care professionals is one of the potential factors that may affect the prevention of hazardous drinking in Primary Care (PC). The objective of the study was to estimate the prevalence of hazardous alcohol use by PC professionals and assess the existing relationship between socio-demographic and occupational variables of PC professionals and their alcohol use. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional, observational, multicenter study was performed. Location: PC sites of the Spanish National Health Care System (NHS). Participants: Physicians and nurses, who completed an online questionnaire intended to identify the pattern of hazardous alcohol use through the AUDIT-C test. The study population was recruited through random sampling stratified by regions of the PC sites in the NHS. The primary measurements: Frequency of alcohol use, number of drinks containing alcohol on a typical day, frequency of six or more drinks on one occasion. Results: One thousand seven hundred sixty professionals completed the questionnaire. Hazardous alcohol use was detected in 27.80% (95% CI: 25.5–29.7) of PC providers. The prevalence of hazardous alcohol use was higher in males (34.2%) [95% CI: 30.4–37.6] and professionals aged 56 years or over (34.2%) [95% CI: 28.2–40.2]. The multiple logistic regression analysis revealed a higher hazardous use in males (OR = 1.52; 95% CI: 1.22–1.90), PC physicians (OR = 1.42; 95% CI: 1.01–2.02) and professionals with more time worked (OR = 1.03; 95% CI: 1.01–1.05). Conclusion: Our study shows the current prevalence of hazardous alcohol use among Spanish PC providers, revealing a higher percentage of hazardous alcohol use in healthcare professionals compared to the Spanish general population. Further interventions are required to increase the awareness of negative consequences derived from alcohol use among PC professionals and its impact on the clinical settingThe study has been financed by the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (semFYC, Sociedad Española de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria) through the Francesc Borrell Scholarship in the year 2018 and has been awarded with the 1st Prize for the best Research Project in Primary Care by the Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians (SEMERGEN, Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria) in the year 2018. Also, this publication has been financed by one of the PhD scholarships, SEMERGEN, 2018

    Ciliopatias – Experiência de uma Unidade de Nefrologia Pediátrica de um Hospital Terciário

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    Introdução: As ciliopatias constituem um grupo de doenças associadas a mutações genéticas que condicionam alterações na estrutura e função dos cílios. A disfunção ciliar pode manifestar-se com doença renal, degeneração retiniana e anomalias cerebrais. Outras manifestações menos frequentes são a doença fibroquística congénita do fígado, diabetes, obesidade e displasia óssea. Objetivo: Caracterizar os casos de ciliopatias seguidos na Unidade de Nefrologia Pediátrica de um Hospital Terciário, nos últimos 10 anos. Resultados: No período em estudo (Janeiro de 2008 a Dezembro de 2017) foram seguidos na Unidade de Nefrologia Pediátrica 8 doentes com ciliopatias; 62,5 % do sexo feminino, 7 doentes de nacionalidade portuguesa e 1 natural do Paquistão. No momento do diagnóstico 2 doentes tinham função renal normal e 6 doença renal crónica (DRC): 1 DRC estadio III, 1 DRC estadio IV e 4 (50%) DRC estadio V; destes 4 realizaram diálise peritoneal e 1 hemodiálise, sendo 4 já submetidos a transplante renal. Dois doentes têm estudo genético concluído, ambos com mutação no gene NPHP1, um deles com Síndrome de Senior Loken. Um doente apresenta Síndrome de Alström e 1 doente apresenta Síndrome de Joubert. Foram submetidos a biópsia renal 5 doentes, todos com alterações compatíveis com nefronoptisis. Conclusões: As ciliopatias constituem um grupo heterogéneo de doenças, com atingimento renal variável e com possível progressão para insuficiência renal crónica. Muitos casos apenas são diagnosticados em estadios avançados de doença renal, pela indolência da progressão da patologia. Salienta-se a necessidade de um elevado grau de suspeição, nomeadamente quando existe atingimento multissistémico (ocular, neurológico, esquelético ou endocrinológico). Nos casos com atingimento primordial renal, é muito frequente a anemia grave e a poliúria/polidipsia severas, que poderão também constituir orientações para o diagnóstico. Quando há envolvimento renal ligeiro, torna-se essencial manter a vigilância clínica e laboratorial, pelo potencial de evolução para DRC.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Linking In Vitro Models of Endothelial Dysfunction with Cell Senescence

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    Disfunció endotelial; Envellliment cel·lularDisfunción endotelial; Envejecimiento celularEndothelial dysfunction; SenescenceEndothelial cell dysfunction is the principal cause of several cardiovascular diseases that are increasing in prevalence, healthcare costs, and mortality. Developing a standardized, representative in vitro model of endothelial cell dysfunction is fundamental to a greater understanding of the pathophysiology, and to aiding the development of novel pharmacological therapies. We subjected human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) to different periods of nutrient deprivation or increasing doses of H2O2 to represent starvation or elevated oxidative stress, respectively, to investigate changes in cellular function. Both in vitro cellular models of endothelial cell dysfunction-associated senescence developed in this study, starvation and oxidative stress, were validated by markers of cellular senescence (increase in β-galactosidase activity, and changes in senescence gene markers SIRT1 and P21) and endothelial dysfunction as denoted by reductions in angiogenic and migratory capabilities. HUVECs showed a significant H2O2 concentration-dependent reduction in cell viability (p < 0.0001), and a significant increase in oxidative stress (p < 0.0001). Furthermore, HUVECs subjected to 96 h of starvation, or exposed to concentrations of H2O2 of 400 to 1000 μM resulted in impaired angiogenic and migratory potentials. These models will enable improved physiological studies of endothelial cell dysfunction, and the rapid testing of cellular efficacy and toxicity of future novel therapeutic compounds.This research was funded by Beca de Investigacion Basica en Cardiologia from the Sociedad Española de Cardiologia, Fondo de Investigacion en Salud (grants PI18/00277, PI16/00742, PI19/00264, PI18/00960 and PI15/00553) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Instituto de Salud Carlos III–Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), and Spanish Society of Respiratory Medicine (SEPAR) and Catalan Society of Pneumology (SOCAP) grants. FRJT and OTC are the recipients of the Ayudas para la formación de profesorado universitario (FPU19/04925) and Miguel Servet (CP17/00114) grants, respectively, from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. IDIBAPS belongs to the CERCA Programme, and receives partial funding from the Generalitat de Catalunya. Cofunding was provided by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER); “Una manera de hacer Europa”

    Everolimus no Tratamento da Esclerose Tuberosa

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    Introdução: A esclerose tuberosa (ET) é um distúrbio genético que atinge vários processos celulares, resultando numa variedade de lesões hamartomatosas que podem afetar qualquer órgão. O envolvimento renal constitui a segunda causa de morte prematura, sendo os angiomiolipomas (AML) a alteração mais frequente (70-80% dos doentes) e cuja sintomatologia está diretamente relacionada com as dimensões dos AML. Descrição do caso: Adolescente de 16 anos, com antecedentes familiares de ET e suspeita pré-natal da doença, cumprindo critérios diagnósticos no período neonatal precoce (rabdomiomas cardíacos, lesões quísticas renais, hamartomas subependimários e displasia cortical temporo-occipital). Evolução progressiva da doença, com envolvimento neurológico (espasmos infantis aos 4 meses, com evolução para epilepsia focal temporal esquerda), oftalmológico (facomas identificados aos 6 meses), renal (HTA desde os 6 meses; aumento do número e dimensões dos quistos/AML e doença renal crónica (DRC) progressiva, atualmente com TFG de 11.5 ml/min/1.73m2) e cutâneo (angiofibromas, placas moluscóides planas e manchas acrómicas). Acompanhado em consulta de Nefrologia Pediátrica em hospital terciário desde há 1.5 anos, tendo sido medicado com everolimus sistémico que cumpre diariamente há 9 meses, com resposta positiva a nível neurológico, cutâneo e renal (redução de cerca de 33% das dimensões dos AML na ressonância magnética de controlo aos 6 meses de terapêutica), embora sem recuperação da função renal, necessitando de técnica dialítica. Discussão: O envolvimento renal pode evoluir para DRC terminal por destruição do parênquima renal, substituído por AML. A terapêutica com everolimus pode retardar a progressão da doença, reduzindo significativamente as dimensões dos AML renais (35-58% dos casos), estabilizando a função renal e reduzindo a probabilidade de desenvolver sintomatologia e/ou complicações, com benefício também para outros órgãos, nomeadamente na redução de convulsões e na melhoria das lesões cutâneas. Os critérios para início do fármaco estão bem definidos e a sua introdução não deve ser adiada. Neste caso, com diagnóstico muito precoce, o fármaco foi iniciado tardiamente, numa fase já quase sem reserva de parênquima renal, o que não permitiu recuperar a sua função, apesar da redução significativa das dimensões dos AML.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio